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Hearing the deep call from our core longing to shine in the world is a gift that needs support to reach its full blossoming. 

It is in these deep inner worlds that our unique contribution to life on planet earth is hidden and when we learn the skills to unlock these messages that try to speak through us and create in alignment with source that we can truly show up as creators of a new paradigm. The gaze from soul to soul is the medicine that can empower us to live our highest soul purpose.

Soul Sessions with support you on the journey of awakening your CREATIVE SOUL FIRE.  This challenging ride which at times can throw us off the path our personality knows is a path into the mystery guided solely by the inner voice that we need to learn to trust in love.  By learning to read the inner worlds we can receive inspiration, power and follow the guidance with commitment. We find our purpose in life to create freedom and beauty in grace through alignment with source.

In these Sessions you will be given individual tools for AWAKENING YOUR LIVING WORD, expanding your soul fire, working with pieces that limit your expression and open you to the ecstatic current of life. You will explore skills to find a fuller expression of who you truly are and how to bring forth those gems hidden in your inner chambers.

Whether you are a WORD ARTIST, WORD ACTIVIST or are dreaming your own SOUL MYTHOLOGY into existence - these sessions will support you to release blockages and connect to your shamanic lifeforce and support your spiritual alignment to allow your creative channels to manifest the stories of a new paradigm.




- Creating your own Soul Mythology

- Using the Alchemy of archetypal roles 

- Lightning the passionate flame of purpose 

- Embodying imprints of love and abundance

- and many others

Arpana Ashish has dedicated her life to soul awakening and is passionate about the emerging culture of love and freedom on this planet. She wants to share the techniques she has learned from various traditions all over the planet that cultivate free souls to rise in their power and creativity. To fall in love with our own souls vibration is the first step on the path of becoming a beam of light in the world. If you are ready to become a greater expression of yourself - follow the call and meet a soul to support your emergence.

SOUL SESSIONS can either be individual Sessions in person or we can meet on Skype or Zoom. 

Get in touch to inquire about details

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